Monday, 6 September 2010

Wedding Invite Map framed as Gift.

We recently completed a map for a wedding invitation which went down a storm with the Bride and Groom. The Groom decided that it would be nice to purchase the original artwork and frame it as another memento of the occasion. I think the Groom was actually thinking ahead to give the map to his wife as a first anniversary present as the first year it is paper (in this case some fine french watercolour paper). Hope she enjoys the memory.

Thursday, 26 August 2010

Bespoke Gift and Wedding Maps for Romeo and Jules Stationery

A while back I made the acquaintance of Jennifer Grant, at the time she was working at the BBC in London producing some fine publications for the Beeb. After a short time sorting out Harrods on-line business prior to it sale she found herself at a loose end, so this ambitious New Yorker set up a stationery company to produce bespoke stationery for clients who don't want something special but want something that is beyond special.
The company named after her 2 cats has recently gone online to show case her work. These lovely designs enhanced by the letter press process are not just lovely to look at but gorgeous to hold and feel. If you are considering having some bespoke stationery made then i can't praise Jennifer's work more highly. To see her web site go to
There you may be able to spot some works produced by Bespoke gift and wedding maps which is shown in the pictures above by Karen Thomas photography

Friday, 13 August 2010

New service- Bespoke Gift and Wedding Maps

Maps Illustrated has decided to expand its services by offering a special service for individuals who want to purchase a distinctive and individual gift for a loved one, friend or colleague. Or maybe you are organising a wedding, party or other event and need a map to show guest where to come. These new services offered by the established Maps Illustrated allows you to get the same service, experience and quality that companies worldwide have been enjoying over the past 25 years. If you are interested in viewing samples or talking to us about our work please email Our new website is coming soon.